Are you a new mom working from home during the pandemic? Oftentimes, moms who return to work after the birth of a baby, find work to be a place of escape from the overwhelm. But what happens in times such as what we are experiencing now when this is no longer possible? Read below for 3 simple things you can do today to reduce stress and prevent burnout.
- Create a personal work space.
Find a location in your home that is dedicated to just you and your work. Make that space off limits to everything that you wouldn’t do at your actual physical work location. This will help you set boundaries and provide you with some personal breathing space.
- Take your lunch outside.
Use the time that you would be using for a sit down lunch break and instead grab a to go bite and go for a walk outdoors if the weather permits. What better way to get some fresh air, get some steps in and you can bring baby along.
- Set timers.
Depending on if you are working with the help of a babysitter and if your work has working requirements around time, it is important to set timers to begin and end work. This will allow you to establish healthy routines and to delineate when you are on work duty versus mom duty.
For further information on how to reduce stress as a new mom working from home, go to and contact me today.
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